Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Christmas 2000

This past year we has been busy trying to meet the needs and demands of 4 children.

Ashley is 13 and has adjusted well to the rigors of 7th grade. She made the honor roll and we are quite proud. One would think that after getting out of college that would the end of homework. Reality is that college is to prepare you so you can help your kids with their homework. To determine If I had become soft in my skills I took several of these math problems to college students which they all have failed. Must be this new math.

Joe is in the 4th grade and enjoys sports and school most of the time. In the fall he played tackle football among concerns of injuries. In the Winter those same boys played basketball which was really like playing football but with no pads. In the first basketball game in the first 15 minutes I think there was 4 tackles for losses and 2 sacs plus a safety.

Molly is 3.5 and is going to pre-school in two mornings a week and is learning violin, Spanish & dance. Her Uncle and we won’t mention his name, Rico, gave her a makeup and jewelry box, and a princess outfit that comes with clacky high heal shoes. Doesn’t matter if its 2 outside she wants to be “Beautiful” and put on her makeup, jewelry, wear her dress and of course not to forget those plastic high heel slippers and she is ready. Used to take 3 min to dress her now I have to get up an extra 30 minutes to accommodate the new dressing attire.

Matthew Gunnar is a precious baby, very sweet and just turned one.

Dogs Jack and Samantha did their yearly pruning on the young trees in the yard. Their standards are no branch lower than 4 feet please. Our thoughts on getting the second dog was to entertain the first dog. Now we have WWF 8 hours a day on the grass and 50% more dog food to keep up their strength. They are eager hunting dogs so if anyone needs 1 or 2 hunting dogs, these are your dogs. Dog food will be included.

Wife works still in the nursery and teaches three different classes at the hospital. She and I feel like we are in school again with as much homework we, I mean the kids have each night. We have already told Molly that not only is she on her own but will be tutoring Gunnar in his schooling.

Husband continues to work at the University, sings in the choir and plays handbells. Still involved with coaching Ashley’s softball team but they don’t need much coaching at this point in their lives. You know being 13 and all they are all accomplished athletes at least that is the attitude the girls give him.

Other than husband getting the flu 2 days after the flu shot everyone’s health is up and we are a happy but a busy family. Hope everyone has a happy holidays this season and for us it will be a white one.

Since nobody took up our invitation to spend time with our family last year we decided this year for the holidays we would travel in our new van and surprise one of you lucky folks. Don’t worry the dogs are house trained.

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