Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Flush or not to Flush

You would think I would learn by now. Son plugs the stool with a large deposit. A quick flush does nothing but fill up the bowl. Now the power plunger is on the other side of the house in the cold garage and its bed time. Since it would require 2 flushes to cause alarm what are my chances this project can't want until morning? Surely my wife would understand the physics of a brim filled toilet. 2:30am wife wakes me to take the dogs out. As I am im standing in my yard, I think about the previous question but go back to bed. 4:30am wife informs me the toilet is clogged. I instruct her under penalty of death do NOT flush the toilet and rolled over on to my side with a side thought of "Maybe this is my second chance to go fix the toilet, nah" 5:30am panic scream of "its going to over flow" I jumped out running to the bathroom only to see a toilet resembling a chocolate fountain. The brown sewage is now lapping at the hallway carpet. I scream "need more towels" Quick and fading responses was "Gotta go, going to be late to work". After sopping up 10 towels did things start to look better. As I was finishing up around the baseboard, I kept reflecting on the original question I had 6hrs earlier and why oh why did I think it would have ended any other way.

To answer why the flushing after I said no. Wife's answer "I just thought maybe I would get lucky on the 2nd flush and it would all go away." In a certain sense it did all go away after that flush, sigh.

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