Friday, June 11, 2010

Kids and sleep don't mix

Reason 509 why I didn't get my 6hrs of sleep
12:30am just settled under the covers with fans a blowing and noise maker a noising when the door flies open and lights come blaring on. 13yr old Molly makes the announcement that she would like a P&J before she can go back to sleep. Doing the math I figured it was quicker to just do it than be harassed for the next 2 hrs. Back in bed I starting to dose off when I hear screaming that someone needs to turn off her bedroom light.

5:30am while on her way to work, wife wakes me up to ask what all the commotion was. 6:00am o'clock 10 Year old Gunnar jumps into bed followed soon by Joe the 20 year old.

I believe the key to getting sleep is not having kids or being dead. Sigh

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