Monday, December 17, 2007

What you can't see can still smell like ....

It was Saturday morning and I was trying to catch up on sleep when wife comes in at 6:00am to report that the dogs and squirted diarrhea all over the floors. Somehow trying to go back to sleep with that image in my head didn’t work. I did manage to let my wife have a 1hr head start on the project though. I went in to the dinning room expecting the worse but pleasantly noticed no fecal matter. I was about ready to say good job when the smell hit me. Ya my wife said, “It smells like shit in here”. Puzzled because I couldn’t see anything on the floor. It wasn’t until the sun started shining in and my new angle of look that I could see where she had cleaned up the smears. The whole floor now was coated with a thin layer of dried fecal matter. I guess a Swifer Mop just smears instead of clean when it comes to diarrhea. I tried using the tried and true mop and bucket but some how at this point of fecal hardening, its still existed in spots, I just can’t see it. I am now reduced over the next few days on crawling around on the floor sniffing every inch. Sigh

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