Friday, December 28, 2007

Do you own a red car???

I was in the kitchen playing short order cook to the 12 family members over X-mas break when the doorbell rings. “Dad, there is a policeman here that needs to talk to you.” I look out the window and sure enough it’s a Copper in my driveway and my son and red car are gone. As I go to the door I am praying that the first words are not “We have your son.” As luck would have it, he asked if I owned a red car. Apparently he thought it was disabled as it was hanging out in the street and cars had to drive around it. I gave a deer in head lights look when he said jump in the car and let’s go move it. I am thinking great, drunken son abandoned the car. We drive the 500 feet to the spot only to see it parked where he normally parks it when he sees his aunt. I look at the officer who quickly points out that there is a maximum of 18 in rule from the curb. I shut up and thank him for the ride since I did not think a comment like guys always think it longer than it is. When I measured the distance it was a solid 19in from the curb. Thank goodness our police force is put to good use.

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