Monday, December 31, 2012

Why 10-5 is not a good idea

My new car and Molly is begging to drive it home from the bar, why not? I have a few beers in me to calm me down. After we merged onto the highway, I hear Molly under her breath say, “we are going way fast” I shoot a glance over to her like “explain yourself” “Oh daddy this is the first time I have ever been on a freeway let alone 75mph. I knew I should have had that 3rd beer. Sometime later she was complaining about the 10-2 hand position on the steering wheel. I suggested try the 10-5 position. She moved the right hand to the 5 position but then turned the steering wheel left to recreate the 10-2 position. The car lunged to the left about taking out the car next to us. She quickly responded with “I really don’t know what I’m doing”, sigh.

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