Friday, August 14, 2009

Breast Pump Modified

So this happened about 22 years ago when breast pumps were these small battery-operated things. A typical pumping session could take 30min to get 8oz of milk. Not like today's commercial-grade pumps that can do 16oz in 10min. So the wife was complaining that the batteries were weak and it was taking too long. Seeing we didn't have any more AA batteries I started looking around for an electrical power adapter. The pump unit called for .6 amp but hey I found one that was 3.8 amp, plug fits good to go. As Tim the Tool Man would say more power is better, right? So wife goes to the bathroom. The normal sound the pump makes with the AA batteries was "putt putt putt" so I was proud of myself with my new results. A couple of seconds later she flips my Tim the Tool Man modified pumper on only to hear a high pitched "Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" and then screams of “My Tit" then silence then muttering that her breast was about ripped off. Women just don't appreciate a man's help. Something about she was going to try it on my private while I was sleeping….. sigh


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