Monday, May 25, 2009

Red Chevy Blazers do have a suspension.

So we are on our way to CO for vacation driving in a 3 van caravan with us riding point. I was riding shot gun with number 1 daughter driving. I had dozed off for a few minutes but as I was coming out of sleep I thought as I looked out my window a turn siginal on from the car next to us. By the time I got my second eye open I relized we were passing a group of cars behind a semi but square in the Red Chevy Blazer's blind spot. I was about ready to say something to my driver when the Chevy moved over into our lane. Somehow the driver say us and swerved back right. At that point I lost him but then I could hear screeching tires but no blazer. I spun around and looked out the back window all to see the following for the next 7 secs.
Blazer had then over corrected in a left turn put his vehicle on 2 wheels and careened left toward us. Missing us by inches he flew into the grassy median, took one bounce before he hit the embankment on the other side of the highway. Launched himself 3 feet into the air, flew over 2 lanes of on coming traffic and landed with a few more bounces then launched himself again and landed on a frontage road and kept driving like he knew of some sort of shortcut. The scene was something from Dukes of Hazard with dirt and grass trailing behind the airborne Blazer. Points to notice. Had he hit us the first time most certain pile up on I-70, when he over corrected and went left missing the back of van, certain pile up, Blazer going sideways and not rolling was certain death, going across oncoming traffic should have been a certain fatal pileup. Some how the gods were with us and that Chevy Blazer that day. sigh

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