Saturday, March 21, 2009

Retro, First Pregnancy

We were in about 8 mos of the pregnancy with our first child or I should say my wife was. Stuck in typical LA traffic we were heading home from dinner. Wife was giving me instructions on how I needed to get her home since morning sickness was happening. Like what honk my horn and the 8 lanes of traffic are going to part I said. I don’t know if it was going to happen anyway or it was a response to my blunt but realistic comment. She turned looking at me then grab my shirt to pull me closer. “What”, I said. She responded with a projectile vomit starting with my face then running down my side. This was not good and the stench was over helming. I quickly rolled down the window and like a dog held my head out the window all while trying to wipe the chunks off my face and keep my dinner down. Needles to say the vomit stayed with the car for years as it seeped down between seats and any other open crevice. I asked in later life wtf, why didn’t you stick your head out the window or on the floor board, response, “I wasn’t feeling well and I needn’t help.” Little did I know, as documented in my previous stories, vomit, # 2's and I were going to get to know each other. Sigh

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