Friday, June 11, 2010

Kids and sleep don't mix

Reason 509 why I didn't get my 6hrs of sleep
12:30am just settled under the covers with fans a blowing and noise maker a noising when the door flies open and lights come blaring on. 13yr old Molly makes the announcement that she would like a P&J before she can go back to sleep. Doing the math I figured it was quicker to just do it than be harassed for the next 2 hrs. Back in bed I starting to dose off when I hear screaming that someone needs to turn off her bedroom light.

5:30am while on her way to work, wife wakes me up to ask what all the commotion was. 6:00am o'clock 10 Year old Gunnar jumps into bed followed soon by Joe the 20 year old.

I believe the key to getting sleep is not having kids or being dead. Sigh

Monday, June 07, 2010

Balloon vs. Fan

Not sure if I can ever get the real story. All I know is when I get home my expensive lifetime warranty ceiling fan is half fallen apart only attached by wires. All I got was there was a balloon floating around, lots of pop pop then bad smells, loud noises emanating from the fan then silence.

Obvious question I asked was why we didn’t turn off the fan. Answer given was “What? And miss the balloon vs. fan show?” I guess I should be thankful it wasn’t lit match vs. house. Sigh

That's not Downy freshness I smell

Being one that wants to be green I use a bath towel at least 3 times to dry off before sending it to the hamper. With long term memory fading in my old age I keep my towels under my pillow and hanging down the edge of my side of the bed for easy access. That way it’s easy to find and use apparently by me and others.

I was tired and not really in tune with odors as I was toweling off but finally I could no longer ignore the strange odor which seemed to be coming from the towel. After a good old nose sniff there was no doubt that the towel that I was using had been used to soak up dog urine.

I asked the wife the next morning what the though process was, answer “ya, don’t use that towel it’s dirty.” No kidding, sigh.

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