Monday, June 15, 2009

Locked Doors

I had Gunnar playing in one tournament with Joe playing his game 70miles away. Due to game time conflict Gunnar was staying with a players parents while I went to see Joe's game. The plan was for Gunnar to stay with the family but eventually go to my hotel room to sleep as I would be back shortly. It was 12:08am by the time I got back from an exhausting drive back from Joe's game. I tried my electronic key no luck, flashed red. I walked the short quarter mile back to the lobby to say my key don't work. Tried my new programmed key, same damn red flash. I again walked back and said try new plastic, again that didn't work. The front desk personnel came back and tried the master key, no luck. Man by this time it was 12:50am and I think I had walked at least 2 miles. Quick call in by the hotel employee to management revealed that the battery was dead in the lock. She said no problem, the maintenance guy was on call and should be here within the hour, sigh. 1:20am he shows up and looks at the lock and says, red flashing means it has been locked from inside. Once again I pound on the door and call the phone inside by no Gunnar. Maint. guy hooks up his black programmable box to the door and after a quick 10min success. But the door hits a manual dead bolt which requires a real key. 15min later they come back and try the key. Door opens but then hits the inside chain. 5 min of yelling let me in, Gunnar comes and opens the door. 2:20am I crash out on the bed. Good thing game time wasn't until 8:00am that morning. Did I mention when I signed out they charged my credit card $1,001.00 vs 101.00 for the night., sigh

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